Standard for use on corns, quarter cracks, split hoofs and brittleness.
Used regularly, it helps maintain healthy feet and improves appearance. Improves hoof appearance, imparting a semi-gloss finish.
The first ever dry approach to thrush treatment.
Attacks bacteria and eliminates the moisture where it hides.
Safe, natural formula.
Thin tipped squeeze bottle provides excellent coverage of the area.
Now prevent overeating, tetanus and sudden death with one product. Sudden, unexpected death can strike any of your animals. It can be from overeating disease. (clostridium perfringens Types C and D). Or tetanus (cl tetani) That's why it pays to vaccinate against all three organisms.
Recommended for the immunization of healthy cattle and sheep against enterotoxemia and tetanus caused by the toxins, of costridium per fringes Types C&D and clostridium tetani. Dosage: 2cc, to be injected subcutaneously or intramuscular. Repeat in 21 to 28 days once annually.
Recommended for the immunization of healthy cattle and sheep against enterotoxemia and tetanus caused by the toxins, of costridium per fringes Types C&D and clostridium tetani. Dosage: 2cc, to be injected subcutaneously or intramuscular. Repeat in 21 to 28 days once annually.